Macho © Andres Vasquez Noboa eBird S104597590 Macaulay Library ML 429926321
Hembra © Eric VanderWerf
Hembra © Andres Martinez D
Macho © Oswaldo Hernández Sánchez
Macho © David Monroy Rengifo
+ 4
Hembra © Oswaldo Hernández Sánchez
Hembra © David Monroy Rengifo
Hembra © Jorge Muñoz García CAQUETA BIRDING

Northern White-fringed Antwren Formicivora intermedia

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An attractive, fairly long-tailed antwren of Colombia and western Venezuela. Males are grayish-brown above and black below with a thick white eyebrow that connects with the white sides. Also note bold white spots on wings and tail. Females are whitish below, often with bits of dark streaking on the breast sides. Also look for white eyebrow and wing spots. Look for pairs foraging in the lower levels of dense shrubby woodland, often remaining fairly hidden and difficult to see clearly. Typically occurs in the lowlands up to around 1,000 m. Listen for a series of rather musical clucking notes.