成鳥オス © Luis Agudelo eBird S45496311 Macaulay Library ML 99276971
メス © Jorge Alcalá
オスの未成鳥 © Jan Cubilla
オス © Jan Cubilla
オスとメス © Iván Lau
+ 2
オス © Shailesh Pinto

ミミジロマルハシミツドリ Conirostrum leucogenys




This unmistakable warblerlike bird is fairly common in forests and edges from Panama to Colombia and Venezuela. Males are pale pearly-gray below and richer blue-gray above with a dark cap, a white cheek, and chestnut undertail coverts. Females are grayish above and pale grayish-buff below. Note the sharply pointed bill. Almost always found in pairs, usually in the canopy of forests and edges in lowlands, up to around 800 m. Sometimes joins mixed-species flocks.