成鳥 © Chris S. Wood
成鳥 © Holly Kleindienst
成鳥 © Erika Gates
未成鳥 © Wyatt Egelhoff
+ 2
© Tammy McQuade

White-crowned Pigeon Patagioenas leucocephala

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Large dark pigeon, entirely dark gray with contrasting white cap. Pink legs and pink bill with a pale tip. Adult has iridescent greenish scalloping on nape; difficult to see without a good view. Juvenile only shows faint pale forehead. A Caribbean species, common in coastal lowlands, especially mangroves. Restricted range in U.S.; found only in extreme southern Florida. Tends to be quite shy. Most often seen in pairs or small flocks, often in flight. White cap and pink bill separates from all-dark morph of Rock Pigeon. Listen for slow, repetitive cooing song, “woop-woop, woooop!”