成鳥 © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography eBird S65189259 Macaulay Library ML 205906141
未成鳥 © Cathryn Dippo
未成鳥 © Mike Andersen
成鳥 © Greg Baker
成鳥 © Charles Davies
+ 2
成鳥 © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography

ソロモンカササギビタキ Monarcha richardsii




A stunning medium-sized monarch. Glossy purple-black above and on the face and chest, rusty below, with a bluish-gray bill. Conspicuous white on the head extends back into a half-collar. Mostly found in primary and secondary forest, but apparently tolerant of disturbance. Common call is a wavering, haunting, ghost-like whistle. Also gives chattering scolding notes.