Дані для:
Самець © Steve Bale eBird S51624086 Macaulay Library ML 136877791
Самиця © Vincent Wang
Самець © Sonja Ross
Самець © Vincent Wang

Алікорто індиговий Brachypteryx cruralis

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Працює за допомогою MERLIN

Tiny, stumpy bird of dense undergrowth. Male is dark slate-blue with broad white eyebrows that give him the appearance of a furious little old man. Female is warm pale brown all over. In areas of overlap with Chinese and Lesser Shortwings, look out for the all-dark lower belly, which is white in those species. Inhabits hill and montane forest, where it forages in dense undergrowth, frequently in proximity to streams. Song is composed of high thin whistles with short bursts of clicking chattering mixed in.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN


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