Самець © Abhijeet Rasal eBird S38956762 Macaulay Library ML 67907411
Самиця © Mukesh Sehgal
Самець © Josh Jones
Самець і самиця © Tejas Vagadia
Самець © Gaurang Bagda

Личинкоїд білокрилий Pericrocotus erythropygius

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A beautiful minivet inhabiting open, dry scrub and savanna with scattered acacia (Prosopis) growth. The male has a glossy black upper body, face, and neck. The breast region has a round orange patch, with the rest of the underparts white. The tail is black, with an orange rump and white markings on the wings. The plumage of the male of this bird is reminiscent of breeding male stonechats. The female is duller in appearance, with dark gray upperparts, black wings, a black tail, and dark black lores. The wings have white markings similar to the males’, and the rump is orange. The species usually moves in small groups, feeding mainly on insects.

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