成鳥オス © Peter Boesman eBird S65116775 Macaulay Library ML 205514781
メス © Jay McGowan
成鳥オス © Luis R Figueroa
メス © Lorenzo Calcaño
オス © John Kvarnback
+ 5
メス © Jay McGowan
オス © John Drummond
メス © Jay McGowan
生息環境 © John Kvarnback

シロヒゲルメットハチドリ Oxypogon lindenii




This distinctive, short-billed hummingbird is an iconic denizen of the high paramo. Both sexes have a dull green body, white throat and v-like collar, and dusky, forked tail. Male’s black face is set off by spiky black-and-white crest and long white beard. Seasonally common and territorial, perching on plants or rocks or foraging in paramo vegetation. Often found in areas with boulders and water. Voice is a high pitch note “peek….peek…peek.” No similar species in range. Endemic to the Andes of Venezuela.