繁殖期のオス © Luis Alejandro Duvieilh eBird S31905889 Macaulay Library ML 36748501
メス © Hugo Hulsberg
非繁殖期のオス © Pablo Hernan Capovilla
オス © Fernando Farias
© Daniel Fernandes Perrella
+ 3
メス © Ramiro Ramirez
繁殖期のオス © Nárgila Moura

マミジロマキバドリ Leistes superciliaris




Medium-sized blackbird found in wet grasslands and agricultural areas. Males are striking with a narrow white eyebrow, a mostly black body, and a brilliant red breast and shoulders patches. Females are brown and streaky with a narrow buffy eyebrow, a pale throat, and a buffy breast. The song is harsh and buzzy, bookended by tinkling notes; given perched or in a display flight.