成鳥 © David de Rivera Tønnessen
成鳥 © Logan Lalonde
成鳥 © Matthew Grube
幼鳥 © Janine Schutt
+ 2
成鳥 © Laura Keene

ニシアメリカオオコノハズク Megascops kennicottii




Pint-sized, cryptically patterned gray owl with fine streaks of black and white; short ear tufts. Found in a variety of wooded habitats, but favors riparian and deciduous areas. Can be found in urban areas and parks. Feeds mostly on small mammals, birds, and insects. Nests in cavities. Listen for its voice at night: a series of short whistled notes that accelerates at the end. Unlike counterpart, Eastern Screech-Owl, they do not have a rufous color morph, only gray morph.