Data for:
Adult male © Jeffrey Wang eBird S61782124 Macaulay Library ML 190082101
Immature male © Laurent Esselen
Adult male © Mário Estevens
Female © Daniel Raposo 🦅
Adult male © Bart Hoekstra
+ 6
Female © Pavel Štěpánek
Immature female © Adrien Mauss
Immature male © Marco Valentini
Female © Albin Jacob
Adult male © Udaya Kumar Balasubramanian

Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus

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Gangly raptor with long wings and tail; local in marshes and wetlands with extensive reed beds. Mainly seen in flight, quartering fairly low over marshes, with wings raised in shallow V. Commonest plumage dark brown overall with variable creamy cap, throat, and narrow leading edge to wing. Brightest adult males have tricolored upperwings, grayish tail, pale head and breast contrasting with rusty-brown belly. Extremely similar to closely related Eastern Marsh-Harrier; males of that species are darker-headed and browner-chested, and females are warmer brown and streakier on the chest, without Eurasian's discrete white 'cap' and dark line through the eye.



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