成鳥オス © John Sterling eBird S81589116 Macaulay Library ML 313796911
成鳥メス © Yann Kolbeinsson
成鳥オスと幼鳥 © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
成鳥オス © Wich’yanan Limparungpatthanakij

ニシアフリカセワタビタキ Batis occulta




A classically patterned batis of forest, forest edges, villages, and towns in tropical lowlands and foothills. Males have white underparts bisected by a black chest band, mostly black upperparts with a broken white eye-line, white on the nape, scalloped white and gray on the back, and a white wingbar that extends to the tip of the wings in the secondary flight feathers. The female is similar but has less of an eyebrow, a grayer crown and back, and a reddish chest band. Overlaps with several other batis species, but note West African Batis’s combination of broken eyebrow and neat chest band. Song is a high-pitched series of buzzy calls and trills interspersed with whistles, often with the same whistled call being repeated at length.