Дані для:
Самець © David Irving eBird S38197196 Macaulay Library ML 109312751
Самиця © Saurabh Sawant
Самець © Alex Bayly
Самиця © Dave Curtis
Самець © Jacob Drucker

Сікорчик тибетський Leptopoecile sophiae

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A tiny purplish-blue bird with a chestnut cap, a soft pink belly, and a pale brow that is not always prominent, and more often grayish than white. Lacks the pale head of Crested Tit-Warbler. Breeds in high-altitude forests and scrub, but descends into foothills in the winter. Usually seen singly, in small flocks, or as a part of mixed flocks. Gives high crisp-sounding notes, usually in pairs.

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