Взрослая © Brian Sullivan eBird S38106288 Macaulay Library ML 111742771
Взрослая © Brian Sullivan
Взрослая © Shawn Billerman
Молодая птица © Shailesh Pinto
Взрослая © Joshua Vandermeulen
+ 2
Взрослая © Brian Sullivan

Галапагосский альбатрос Phoebastria irrorata

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Large and gangly seabird that nests only in Galápagos and on Isla de la Plata (a small island near Ecuador’s central coast). When not breeding, it disperses over the eastern Pacific Ocean as far south as Chile. The only albatross likely to be seen in and near Galápagos. Adult is brown with a white head and neck and a large, yellow bill. Head and neck have a slight yellow tinge. Young birds are almost all brown and gradually develop the white head. Can be seen on land only at nesting sites, where pairs engage in elaborate courtship displays. Outside of the breeding season, it is usually only encountered far out to sea.