オス © Carlos Echeverría eBird S119123052 Macaulay Library ML 486694351
メス © fernando Burgalin Sequeria
オス © David Ascanio
オス © Josep del Hoyo
メス © Carlos Echeverría
+ 3
オス © Hugo Orellana
メス © Robert Lewis

ムラサキケンバネハチドリ Campylopterus hemileucurus




Very large, spectacular, and aggressive hummingbird of humid evergreen forest in highlands and foothills, descending locally and seasonally to lowlands in southeastern Mexico. Feeds at all levels at flowers and at times in canopy of roadside trees. Note the very large size, thick arched bill, and big, flashy white tail corners. Male’s amazing purple plumage often looks blackish overall, but when it catches the light—wow!