成鳥オス © Brian McGee eBird S28902905 Macaulay Library ML 55536261
メス © Projeto Dacnis
オスの未成鳥 © Tom Edell
成鳥オス © Marco Silva
成鳥オス © Mathurin Malby
+ 3
メス © Silvia Faustino Linhares
成鳥オス © Jay McGowan

スミレフウキンチョウ Euphonia violacea




Tiny bird with a strong bill and short tail. Males are glossy blue-black above and bright yellow below, including on the throat and forehead. Note the white undertail. Females are olive-green above and olive-yellow below. Found at forest edges and in more open woodlands, shrubby areas, and urban parks. The song includes pieces of other species’s songs with short trills and rattles in between.