オス © Alexander Montero eBird S105862148 Macaulay Library ML 432441741
メス © Jorge Gabriel Campos
メス © Peter Hawrylyshyn
オス © Beny Wilson
オス © Josanel Sugasti -photographyandbirdingtourspanama
+ 2
メス © John C. Mittermeier

ムラサキボウシハチドリ Goldmania violiceps




Medium-sized hummingbird with a tiny range from central Panama to extreme northwest Colombia. Distinctive in range: male is bright emerald-green with shining purple crown and bronzy-purple tail. Female has whitish underparts with some green spotting on the sides. Found in forest and edge in the foothills from around 600–1,200 m, often feeding on flowers at low to middle levels. Visits feeders.