成鳥 © Kent Miller
成鳥 © Peter Hawrylyshyn
成鳥 © Roger Schroeder
成鳥 © Brad Imhoff
+ 6
成鳥 © Owen Sinkus
幼鳥 © Russ Morgan
成鳥 © Jay McGowan
幼鳥 © Jay McGowan
生息環境 © Brad Argue

オジロヒメドリ Pooecetes gramineus




Large, drab, streaky sparrow of grasslands, second growth, and bare ground. Most distinctive in flight, when it flashes white outer tail feathers. Also note the thin white eyering and rufous shoulder (often hidden). Forages mainly on the ground. Song usually starts with a couple clear introductory notes, followed by a series of trills and chips.