成鳥オス © Alison Bentley eBird S30768089 Macaulay Library ML 209575111
メス © Alison Bentley
オスの未成鳥 © Alison Bentley
成鳥オス © Alison Bentley
オスの未成鳥 © Ian Davies
+ 2
成鳥オス © Tom Murray

パナママンゴーハチドリ Anthracothorax veraguensis




Rather large hummingbird with a slightly decurved bill, extremely similar to Green-breasted Mango, and range overlap is not perfectly understood. Apparently Veraguan Mango mostly replaces Green-breasted from the Osa Peninsula to Panama City. Male is entirely green with dark purplish tail. Look for blue stripe running down the center of throat and breast (not black like Green-breasted Mango). Females have white underparts with dark greenish line running down the center; nearly identical to Green-breasted Mango. Juveniles have orange bordering the white underparts. Found in habitats including forests, second growth, gardens, and mangroves.