成鳥 © Devin Griffiths eBird S38008356 Macaulay Library ML 68582701
成鳥 © Devin Griffiths
成鳥 © Michael Todd
成鳥 © Peter Hawrylyshyn
成鳥 © John Drummond
+ 3
未成鳥 © Ian Davies
成鳥 © Ottavio Janni

フジイロハチドリ Boissonneaua jardini




This medium-sized hummingbird looks all blackish in poor light, but at the right angle, it turns into a dazzling gem with a purple belly and crown, turquoise sides, and greenish wing coverts. Note bright white flashes in the tail. Like other coronets, it holds its wings up for a few seconds when it lands, exposing rich chestnut underwings. Sexes similar. Very restricted range in western Colombia and Ecuador, where it is generally uncommon in moist cloud forest and edges in the lower subtropical zone. Visits feeders.