メス © Theresa Bucher
メス © Rhys Marsh
オス © George Heimpel
オス © Nige Hartley
+ 2
メス © Glenn Lahde

ハシブトダーウィンフィンチ Platyspiza crassirostris




A large and rather parrot-billed Galápagos finch. Bill is about as long as it is deep, with a very round upper edge and slightly curved lower edge. Male has a black hood and bill, a sooty back, and a yellowish belly with dark streaks. Female is tan with a pale bill, a whitish or yellowish belly, and brown streaks on the underparts. Very similar to Large Tree-Finch, which is smaller and smaller-billed. Most likely to be encountered in forest at middle elevations on the larger islands. Not present on the islands of Española, Genovesa, and Santa Fé.