Самець © Monte Neate-Clegg eBird S49097822 Macaulay Library ML 119724391
Самиця © Niall D Perrins
Самець © Douglas Flagg
Самець © Monte Neate-Clegg

Саїманга улугуруйська Anthreptes neglectus

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Fairly small sunbird with an unusually short, warbler-like bill. The male has iridescent violet upperparts, while the female has brownish upperparts. Both sexes show pale-gray underparts, though the female often also shows a yellow wash. Generally uncommon in forest and lush woodland at low and middle elevations. Vocalizations include a “chek” call and typical sunbird twittering. Similar to Eastern and Western Violet-backed Sunbirds, but there is little overlap in range or habitat, and distinguished by the brownish back of the head and grayer underparts.

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