成鳥 © Yann Muzika Macaulay Library ML 198773431
成鳥 © Yann Muzika
幼鳥 © Holger Teichmann
成鳥 © Hans Norelius
成鳥和幼鳥 © Stanislav Harvančík
+ 2
成鳥 © Joseph Morlan

Ural Owl Strix uralensis

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Very large and rather plain owl with small dark eyes and no ear tufts. Note bright yellow bill, extensive streaking on the breast and back, and broad-banded wing feathers. Ranges from very pale gray to dark brown. Active at night, when often hunts at forest edge and around clearings in northern coniferous and mixed forests. Pairs duet; males give deep, resonating hoots and females give higher, hoarser notes. Larger and longer-tailed than Tawny Owl, which occurs mainly in milder and more southern habitats. Great Gray Owl appears longer-bodied, is more mottled, and has beady yellow eyes.