Самець © Luke Seitz eBird S31519616 Macaulay Library ML 61068951
Самиця © Dominic Garcia-Hall
Самець © Robert Lewis
Самиця © Luke Seitz
Самець © Vicente Pantoja Maggi
+ 3
Самець © Brian Sullivan
Самець © Dominic Garcia-Hall

Каргарка магеланська Chloephaga picta

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Працює за допомогою MERLIN

Common and conspicuous in most of its range, becoming uncommon and local in northern areas. Pairs and flocks are common along roadsides in Patagonian steppe grasslands, wetlands, at lakes, and along coasts. The male is strikingly white necked; some males have clean white breast and belly, others have dark-barred body. The female is brownish overall and much less noticeable with a rusty brown to grayish brown head and neck (compare to the rare Ruddy-headed Goose). Both sexes have bold black-and-white wing pattern that is striking in flight.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN