雄鳥 © Guillermo Saborío Vega eBird S53284040 Macaulay Library ML 143747221
雌鳥 © Mark S. Garland
雄鳥 © kenneth reyes
雌鳥 © Natalia Decastro González
雄鳥 © Janet Rathjen
+ 2
雄鳥 © Martin Flack

Three-wattled Bellbird Procnias tricarunculatus

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Male is unmistakable. Body dark rufous, head and breast gleaming white, with three bare wattles hanging down off the bill. Usually perches conspicuously when singing; the far-carrying bell-like notes and strange metallic alien noises are fascinating additions to the forest cacophony. Female is completely different, overall dull olive with yellower streaking on underparts. The fairly large size, plump shape, small rounded head, and plain face help with identification. Found in forests, usually in the canopy. Easiest to find when singing, but also feeds at fruiting trees.