Adult male © Dorian Anderson eBird S46994365 Macaulay Library ML 112808901
Female © Dorian Anderson
Immature male © David Monroy Rengifo
Adult male © Peter Hawrylyshyn
Female © David Disher
+ 2
Adult male © Daniel Lebbin

Гутурама західна Euphonia laniirostris

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Small finchlike bird, compact and short-tailed. Generally yellow below and dark blue-black above with stout bill. To identify male euphonias, focus on crown and throat: on Thick-billed, crown is entirely yellow and throat is yellow. Females are extremely difficult to separate from other euphonias, especially Yellow-crowned, but often seen in pairs or small groups with more distinctive males. Frequents open forested habitats, edges, and gardens. Can form mixed feeding flocks with other species such as warblers and tanagers.

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