Female © Forest Botial-Jarvis
Male © Pete Simpson
Female © Forest Botial-Jarvis
Male © Forest Botial-Jarvis

Tboli Sunbird Aethopyga tibolii

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A small, localized bird of montane forest in southern Mindanao. Has a long, curved bill, a gray head, yellow underparts and rump, an olive back and wings, and a white-tipped tail. Male has a narrow pale yellow throat stripe from the bill to the chest bordered with dark gray, a greenish-blue tail, and an orange patch in front of the shoulder. Female has a pale gray throat and a faintly streaked chest. Similar to Gray-hooded Sunbird, but Tboli has a yellow rather than white belly. Voice similar to Apo Sunbird’s, including a rapid pulsing series of “chip!” notes and a high-pitched upslurred “chuuuuuit!”