นกเต็มวัย (Superciliaried) © Chantelle du Plessis (Andes EcoTours) eBird S30060288 Macaulay Library ML 29788491
นกเต็มวัย (White-bellied) © Jason Leifester
นกเต็มวัย (Superciliaried) © David M. Bell
นกเต็มวัย (Superciliaried) © Richard Garrigus
นกเต็มวัย (Superciliaried) © Jake Zadik

Superciliaried Hemispingus Thlypopsis superciliaris

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A small warbler-like tanager with significant variation across its range. Most birds are olive above and yellow below with a gray crown and obvious white eyebrow. Birds in northern and central Peru are gray above and whitish below, still with an obvious white eyebrow. Birds in western Venezuela have a yellow eyebrow. Compare with Drab Hemispingus, which is duller olive with a less obvious eyebrow, and with Citrine Warbler (especially in Venezuela, where the hemispingus also has a yellow eyebrow). Note Citrine Warbler’s wider eyebrow and paler legs. The hemispingus is usually found in pairs or small groups that forage actively in the canopy of forest or edge, often following mixed-species flocks. Occurs from around 2,200m up to treeline.