紅褐型雌鳥 © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
幼鳥 © Sandy Gayasih
成鳥 © Ashraf Anuar Zaini
成鳥 © Gopi Krishna
+ 2
成鳥 © Shailesh Pinto

Sunda Cuckoo Cuculus lepidus

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Typical Cuculus cuckoo: most adults are gray with black stripes on a white breast and belly, but some females are “hepatic”; they appear rufous overall with extensive barring. Virtually identical to Himalayan and Oriental cuckoos, which migrate through and winter in Sunda’s range; look for Sunda’s more contrasting darker gray upperparts, wider bars on the underparts, and buffier unmarked vent. Juvenile is dark grayish black above with white edging to the feathers. Like most cuckoos, more often heard than seen; listen for its 2–3 note hooting song, which averages higher than that of Oriental. A species of montane and foothill forest.