オス © Christoph Moning eBird S25151969 Macaulay Library ML 135041361
メス © Tim Forrester
オス © Scott Baker
オス © James Eaton
メス © Holger Teichmann

ネズミオオサンショウクイ Edolisoma morio




A thrush-sized gray songbird. Male is entirely dark slaty-gray with a black throat; on mainland Sulawesi, black extends onto belly. Note pale wing markings. Gray-backed female shows extensively barred pale underparts. Singles and pairs inhabit the canopy of forest and wooded patches in the lowlands and foothills. Confined to Sulawesi and satellite islands. Female differs from female Common Cicadabird in her gray back; male differs from male Common Cicadabird in showing extensive black below. The species gives an insect-like, buzzing “weerr-weerr-weerr …” song, a high-pitched whining “weeer” call, and harsher “chuk-chuk-chuk” notes.