Дорослий птах © Craig Brelsford eBird S38389092 Macaulay Library ML 64797091
Дорослий птах © Rahul Singh
Ювенільний птах © Craig Brelsford
Дорослий птах © Anil Subramaniam

Вівчарик індійський Phylloscopus griseolus

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Brown-and-yellow leaf warbler without a wingbar. Breeds in stony, bushy, semi-arid slopes in mountain ranges flanking the Tibetan Plateau. Winters primarily in rocky scrub almost throughout the Indian peninsula. Resembles Tickell’s Leaf Warbler, but has a browner cheek and dirtier underparts, and often has a bright yellow eyebrow that contrasts with a dull brownish-yellow throat. Very partial to the ground, unlike Tickell’s, and often seen creeping on rocks, walls, or tree trunks like a nuthatch.

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