オス © Felix Neponcio Servita eBird S57270941 Macaulay Library ML 164181721
メス © Vinz Pascua
オス © Roneil Canillas
オス © Vinz Pascua
メス © Ravi Iyengar
+ 3
メス © Robert Hutchinson
メス © Ramon Quisumbing

キバシリモドキ Rhabdornis mystacalis




A medium-sized, long-billed bird of primary lowland and foothill forest with a white throat and belly, brown wings and tail, a black mask, a dark crown finely streaked white, and black sides broadly streaked white. Sometimes joins mixed-species flocks, where it often investigates under bark with its long bill. Resembles the other rhabdornis species, but usually found at lower elevations, and has a dark crown streaked with white rather than a gray crown. Voice consists of high-pitched chips, sometimes sped up into a chatter.