Data for:
Breeding male © Vincent Wang eBird S46817872 Macaulay Library ML 194864051
Female/nonbreeding male © Natthaphat Chotjuckdikul
Female/nonbreeding male © Vivek Rawat
Breeding male © Renuka Vijayaraghavan
Breeding male © Raphael Lebrun

Streaked Weaver Ploceus manyar

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Male in breeding plumage has a golden-yellow cap covering the forehead and crown, and a blackish face and throat. Dark brown above with rusty edges to feathers, and buffy white below with longitudinal dark streaks on the flanks and upper breast. Non-breeding males, females, and juveniles more similar to other weavers; they have a yellowish buff eye-brow that extends down around the back of the face, streaky flanks, and dark brown upperparts with long streaks on the back. More partial to water than Baya Weaver, nesting around reedbeds in wetlands. Noisy near breeding colonies. Males make a continuous chirpy “cheer” or “teaur” call, not as loud as Baya Weaver’s.



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