成鳥オス © Vincent Wang eBird S92495122 Macaulay Library ML 357775861
成鳥メス © Craig Brelsford
成鳥オス © Pete Dunten
未成鳥 © Harshavardhan Jamakhandi
成鳥オス © Craig Brelsford

セスジシロボシマシコ Carpodacus rubicilloides




Large, bulky rosefinch. Male is pinkish-red below with a streaked brown back. Female is streaky dust-brown all over. Both sexes are very similar to Great Rosefinch; look out for dark streaking on the back in both, as well as smaller white, more solid-looking white spots on the underparts of the male. Breeds in dry open expanses with sparse scrubby vegetation at around 3700-5200 meters. Winters in similar habitat, sometimes descending to lower elevations. Song consists of somewhat hoarse whistled notes. Gives a sparrow-like “chweep” and a shorter “chep.”