Самець © Stephan Lorenz eBird S39246697 Macaulay Library ML 250970141
Самиця © Frédéric PELSY
Самець © Phillip Edwards
Самець © Stephan Lorenz
Самець © Markus Lilje

Голуб-зеленокрил новогвінейський Chalcophaps stephani

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A small rufous dove with conspicuous emerald-green wings, an orange bill, and a pale forehead that is white in males and gray in females. Juveniles have duller bare parts, some barring, and reduced iridescence. Typically seen singly, foraging on the forest floor or perched low in the understory. Pale patch is restricted to forehead, and this, in combination with brown back and brown tail, distinguishes this species from Asian and Pacific Emerald Doves. Song is a soft “hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo,” gradually rising and accelerating.

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