Adult male © Luiz Carlos Ramassotti eBird S29948033 Macaulay Library ML 29499911
Female © Marcelo Feliti
Immature male © Luiz Carlos Ramassotti
Adult male © Natalia Allenspach
Female © Fernando Lotto

Stripe-breasted Starthroat Heliomaster squamosus

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

A large hummingbird found in forest and semiopen habitats such as savannas. Males have a green body bisected by a white stripe on the belly. Also note the dazzling metallic-pink gorget and blueish forehead on males. Females are grayish-green above and below with a white stripe down the center and a scaly-looking throat.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN