雄鳥 © Fabio Olmos
雄鳥 © Lorenzo Calcaño

Streak-backed Antshrike Thamnophilus insignis

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Medium-sized, dark gray bird of tepui highland forest and scrub. Male has blackish back and crown with extensive white spots and streaks on wings and tail; note also grizzled white patch on nape. Female is similar but shows rufous in crown. Found in humid forest understory on tepui slopes, generally above 1000 m. Usually in pairs that forage deliberately at lower and middle levels, hopping between perches and peering about slowly in search of insect prey, like other antshrikes. May join mixed-species flocks. Song is an accelerating series of barking notes ending with an emphasis on the higher-pitched final note, similar to song of Barred Antshrike. Extensive white markings should distinguish this species from other antshrikes, none of which occur at higher elevations in the tepui region.