メス © Vincent Wang
オス © Vincent Wang
メス © Vincent Wang
メス © Ian Davies
+ 3
オス © Dave Curtis
オス © xiaochen HU

シャープマシコ Carpodacus verreauxii




Uncommon medium-sized rosefinch. Male is dark wine pink above and frosty bubblegum pink below, with strikingly pale white eyebrows. Female is gray-brown with streaked underparts and long pale eyebrows; similar to female Chinese White-browed Rosefinch, but note overall buffier coloration, paler streaking, less prominent stripes on the cheeks, and lack of tan-yellow in the eyebrow and near the vent. Sharpe’s breeds in open alpine areas with scrubby cover such as forest edge; moves downslope in the winter. Call is a sharp inflected “pink.”