© Bill Ypsilantis
© Chris Sayers
© Nigel Voaden
© Nick Athanas
+ 2
© Marco Valentini

Spotted Morning-Thrush Cichladusa guttata

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

A boldly marked thrush-like bird with a brown back, a rufous tail, and white underparts heavily spotted with black. Found in areas of dense undergrowth within savanna, woodland, and scrub habitats. A fairly shy species that feeds on the ground, though it can sometimes be tame around lodges. Somewhat similar to scrub-robins, but easily separated by the lack of white in the wings and tail. Most easily detected by song: a rollicking, musical, whistled combination of repeated notes and short repeated phrases that can also incorporate imitations of other species and is often given as a duet by a pair.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN