オス © Kevin Vande Vusse eBird S43080902 Macaulay Library ML 87009191
メス © Michel Bourque
オス © Jean-Louis Carlo
メス © Morgan Van Peursem
オス © Alec Hopping

カオグロウロコハタオリ Ploceus spekei




A chunky, short-tailed, long-billed weaver of dry country. Breeding males are mostly yellow with a black face mask, a pale eye, and a heavily streaked back. Females, non-breeding males, and juveniles are much duller, brownish-olive overall with a pale eye. Found locally in open savanna, often in small flocks. Superficially similar to the pale-eyed Lesser Masked-Weaver, but much chunkier and larger-billed, with a streakier back. Vocalizations are typical of weavers: “chek” notes and a squealing, sizzling “radio static” song.