Adult © Ákos Lumnitzer eBird S26103234 Macaulay Library ML 21523071
Adult © Stephen Haase
Adult © Richard Miller
Adult © David Adam
Juvenile © Gary Crouch
+ 2
Adult © Ged Tranter

Southern Boobook Ninox boobook

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Small brownish owl with dark ‘glasses’ surrounding eyes. Plumage and size varies depending on region with some subspecies exhibiting much darker plumage than others. Fairly common in a wide variety of habitats. Similar to Morepork, and range overlaps in winter in southern Victoria; Southern Boobook is larger, lighter, and has less extensive spotting. Call is a familiar ‘boo-book’ with the second note lower pitched than the first, lower and rougher-sounding than Morepork.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN