© Torin Waters 🦉
Juvenile © Andrew Steele
© Helen Baines
© Ray Scally

Song Thrush Turdus philomelos

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Plumage brown above and whitish below with droplet-shaped dark spots; breast has rich buffy wash in fresh plumage (mainly autumn–winter). Appreciably smaller, darker overall, and more compact than Mistle Thrush. An inhabitant of wooded habitats, including parks, gardens, and farmland with hedges and taller trees; often feeds on lawns and grassy verges, but usually near cover. Strident song, often heard in suburban neighborhoods, is more prolonged than that of Eurasian Blackbird, and frequently repeats phrases 2-4 times. A native of Eurasia, introduced to southeastern Australia, New Zealand, and a few surrounding islands.



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Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 41.2 Week Frequency: 43.8 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 22.2 Week Frequency: 0.1 Week Frequency: 0.1 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 13.6 Week Frequency: 10.5 Week Frequency: 6.7 Week Frequency: 9.4 Week Frequency: 40.0 Week Frequency: 50.0 Week Frequency: 100.0 Week Frequency: 20.0 Week Frequency: 25.0 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 66.7 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 100.0 Week Insufficient data Week Frequency: 100.0 Week Frequency: 45.5 Week Frequency: 33.3 Week Frequency: 11.1 Week Frequency: 15.4 Week Frequency: 0 Week Insufficient data Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 33.3 Week Frequency: 33.3 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 33.3 Week Frequency: 33.3 Week Frequency: 50.0 Week Frequency: 29.4 Week Frequency: 33.3 Week Frequency: 18.2 Week Frequency: 25.0 Week Frequency: 16.7 Week Frequency: 12.5 Week Frequency: 36.4 Week Frequency: 55.6 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 0
Weekly Bar Chart

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