© John Drummond
© Eric Barnes
© Scott Baker
© Nigel Voaden

Sombre Kingfisher Todiramphus funebris

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A large forest kingfisher with a dark back, white underparts, and a white eyebrow and collar. Back color is earth-brown in females and tinged with green in males. Juveniles resemble females but show a pale-tipped bill and dark scales on collar and breast. Inhabits forest understory, forest edge, and mangroves in lowlands and hills. White eyebrow and dark-colored upperparts distinguish it from Collared and Sacred Kingfishers. Typical staccato song resembles laughter: “KE-KE-KE-kower--kower---kower,” with the latter part sounding like a descending cackle. Also gives a “wer-wer-wer-wer-wer” as well as agitated, harsh “kip” notes in series.