מידע עבור:
Female © Vincent Wang
Male © Craig Brelsford
Female © Craig Brelsford
Male © Han-Bo Chang

Snowy-browed Flycatcher Ficedula hyperythra

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Truly tiny flycatcher with a large-headed, large-eyed, stub-tailed appearance. Inhabits shady forests and bamboo at upper elevations; descends into foothills in parts of range. Male blue above with short white supercilium and bright orange throat that fades towards the belly. Female brown above with rufous-tinged wings, pale eyering, and distinctive structure. Forages lower than most other flycatchers, sometimes even on the ground. Listen for extremely high-pitched whistles.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN


כניסה לצפייה בסטטיסטיקות שלך

גרף עמודות שבועי

בחירת אזור לצפייה בגרף עמודות שבועי

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