Macho (Northern) © Devon DeRaad eBird S57822965 Macaulay Library ML 166477921
Hembra (Northern) © Corey Callaghan
Macho (Rennell) © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
Hembra (Rennell) © Alan Tate
Macho (Northern) © Charles Davies
+ 2
Macho y hembra (Northern) © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography

Lorito heteróclito Geoffroyus heteroclitus

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A mostly green medium-sized parrot with a contrasting head, gray in females and yellow in males. Shows a blue underwing in flight. Inhabits lowland forest edge, including coconut plantations, parks, and gardens, up to at least 1750 meters of elevation. Bulkier than Cardinal, White-naped, Yellow-bibbed, and Purple-bellied Lories, with slower wingbeats, and lacks the mostly red color of those species. The similar Eclectus Parrot is larger with a bigger bill, and male is also green but has a red underwing. Singing Parrot’s voice includes a wide variety of harsh cries and a whistling bell-like song.