First year © Cathy Reader
Adult © Doug Hitchcox
First year © Audrey Addison
Immature © Vicki Sandage
+ 6
Immature © Nigel Voaden
First year © Melissa Hafting
Adult © JoAnn Hackos
First year © Audrey Addison
Adult and immature © Eric VanderWerf

Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Gradually increasing after near extinction in the 20th century but still the rarest of the three North Pacific albatross species. Adult is striking: white overall, with dark wings, white upperwing coverts, a rich yellow nape, and bright pink bill. Juvenile blackish brown with pink bill; young birds attain increasing amounts of white in plumage as they age. Forages over a large pelagic range but sometimes seen from shore.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN