オス © Charles Davies eBird S34892971 Macaulay Library ML 56897811
メス © Marc Languy
オス © Marc Languy
オス © Dave Curtis
メス © Nik Borrow
+ 3
オス © Nik Borrow
オスとヒナ © Jim Hully

ウスグロイロムシクイ Apalis sharpii




A slender, plain sooty-gray apalis with red eyes and a white-tipped tail; female has a buff-chestnut throat. Juvenile has yellowish underparts. Restricted to Upper Guinea, where it is resident; pairs inhabit the canopy of tall primary and secondary lowland, gallery, and dry forest, where no similar apalises occur. Most often detected by its characteristic song, a sweet rollicking “chi-reet, chi-reet, chi-reet,” sometimes given in duet.