メス © Don Roberson
オス © Dave Curtis
メス © Samuel Burckhardt
オス © Laurent Demongin
+ 3
オス © Matthew Kwan
メス © Loutjie Steenberg

ミナミゴシキタイヨウチョウ Cinnyris chalybeus




A small sunbird. The male has a pale gray belly and relatively narrow red breast band. The female is overall gray-brown. Pairs and small groups visit a broad variety of habitats. The species gives a characteristic short two-note “cher-cher” call and a rapid high-pitched song of up-and-down notes. The only similar species it overlaps with is Greater Double-collared Sunbird, which differs by being 20% larger, with a longer heavier bill, a much broader red breast band in the male, and a slower song.