成鳥オス © David Southall eBird S52911175 Macaulay Library ML 441140711
成鳥メス © Thore Noernberg
成鳥オス © javier mesa
成鳥オス © Diego Calderón-Franco @diegoCOLbirding

ハサミオハチドリ Hylonympha macrocerca




Unmistakable hummingbird with long, scissor-shaped tail, overall green with decurved bill and white spot behind eye. Male recalls Violet-fronted Brilliant but with long and forked black tail and blue forehead; female very different, with shorter but still forked tail, white throat, green-speckled chest, and buffy belly, recalling female of Long-tailed Sylph. Found alone inside humid forests or forest borders at low to mid levels, often at Heliconia patches. Voice a short burst “tsi, tsi, tsip.” No similar species in its very limited range. Endemic to the Paria peninsula of northeastern Venezuela.