成鳥オス © Fernando Burgalin Sequeria eBird S58497784 Macaulay Library ML 171902601
成鳥メス © Greg Griffith
成鳥オス © Gumercindo Pimentel
成鳥メス © Andreas Skiljan
成鳥オス © Mathurin Malby
+ 2
成鳥オス © Bill Ypsilantis

モモアカヒワミツドリ Dacnis venusta




Small and striking tanager with very sharp bill. Male superficially similar to Blue Dacnis but most of body black; head, back, and shoulder electric turquoise-blue. Red eye. Scarlet “thighs” inconspicuous and difficult to see in the field. Female less obvious than male; note turquoise face contrasting with buffy belly. Usually stays in the canopy of forest edges; pairs often follow mixed feeding flocks.