Data for:
Female © Robert Gallucci
Female © Mike Andersen
Male © Don Danko
Immature male © Robert Gallucci
+ 4
Immature male © Baxter Beamer
Female © James Hully
Habitat © Bryan Calk

Scott's Oriole Icterus parisorum

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This black-and-yellow oriole prefers dry habitats where yuccas are plentiful, often on steep hillsides. Males are particularly striking; look for the black back, head, and breast, bright white wingbar, and yellow shoulder. Females are duller grayish above, often retaining some black on the breast and throat. Young birds are quite dull; look for dull mottled streaking on the back. Listen for its whistled song, a rather fast series of clear notes. Feeds on insects, nectar, and fruit. Occurs from the southwestern U.S. to Oaxaca, where it can be found in mixed pine-oak woodland as well as dry desert hillsides.



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